I wanted to create a place that I could ramble and post happenings and events, new products or ideas. The last few months moving into our new RETAIL SHOWROOM + MANUFACTURING location in the heart of Gotham on Main Street has been an insanely long process. We are settling in finally and now have a moment to reflect and reconfigure and set new goals and really honestly start figuring out how to scale, dream a bit bigger or go in some new directions. I have been obsessing over a lot of new ideas and product lines as well as how to connect with more hotels, hospitality and interior designers. My real love is pillows and home and I want to nurture this a bit more even though BAGS have literally exploded in the shop. Lots to chat about, reflect upon and share...welcome to the world of Erin Flett, the person and real life behind the brand. Stay tuned for more.
Congratulations on your success! I just saw that you are part of the MaineBiz forum this week. And I checked out your website and noticed that your “online journal” page indicates you are in the heart of Gotham. I think that’s supposed to be Gorham. Not being critical – just trying to help!! :)
Best of luck! I look forward to stopping in sometime soon!