Unframed Full Color Fine Archival quality art print of “SPRING FLOWERS” by surface textile designer Erin Flett.

Our giclee prints are printed in America with only top quality materials. We use high-quality cotton paper as our standard for giclee printing. All of our materials meet and exceed the standards set forth by the Fine Art Trade Guild for pH and lightfastness.

SIZES AVAILABLE: 8" X 10" / 11" X 14" / 18" X 24"

ONLY THE BEST PRINTS MADE: Archival smooth Matte paper acid free 
230 gsm
9.5 mil340g
Archival paper and ink print

Each piece is hand silk-screened printed and sewn one at a time just for you. The quality in the details is something you will see and feel. We look at every opportunity to make these beautiful and practical. Our products may take a bit longer to get to you, but we hope you agree slower is sometimes better. Thank you for supporting our handmade process.

-Erin Flett, Textile Designer

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Each piece is made-to-order and will ship in 3-5 weeks from date of purchase.

Shipping Policy